
SOW: Cómo permitir que desde una página de la intranet se abra un fichero local

A partir de windows XP SP2 el Internet Explorer (y sólo el Internet Explorer, no los controles basados en él, como el que se utiliza en of2k…) considera “Mi PC” como una zona más, que es además más restringida que las otras zonas (intranet local, internet, etc…).

Para permitir la navegación “entre zonas” es necesario cambiar a “0” el valor de la clave 2101 de la zona que corresponda, en nuestro caso la 0. La configuración de las zonas en el registro está en:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones

(a continuación copiado de http://support.microsoft.com/kb/182569 )

The Zones key contains keys that represent each security zone that is defined for the computer. By default, the following five zones are defined (numbered zero through four):

Value Setting


0 My Computer

1 Local Intranet Zone

2 Trusted sites Zone

3 Internet Zone

4 Restricted Sites Zone

Note By default, My Computer does not appear in the Zone box on the Security tab.

Each of these keys contains the following DWORD values that represent corresponding settings on the custom Security tab.

Note Unless stated otherwise, each DWORD value is equal to zero, one, or three. Typically, a setting of zero sets a specific action as permitted, a setting of one causes a prompt to appear, and a setting of three prohibits the specific action.

Value Setting


1001 ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Download signed ActiveX controls

1004 ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Download unsigned ActiveX controls

1200 ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins

1201 ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting

1206 Miscellaneous: Allow scripting of Internet Explorer Web browser control ^

1207 Reserved #

1208 ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Allow previously unused ActiveX controls to run without prompt ^

1209 ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Allow Scriptlets

120A ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Display video and animation on a webpage that does not use external media player ^

1400 Scripting: Active scripting

1402 Scripting: Scripting of Java applets

1405 ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Script ActiveX controls marked as safe for scripting

1406 Miscellaneous: Access data sources across domains

1407 Scripting: Allow Programmatic clipboard access

1408 Reserved #

1601 Miscellaneous: Submit non-encrypted form data

1604 Downloads: Font download

1605 Run Java #

1606 Miscellaneous: Userdata persistence ^

1607 Miscellaneous: Navigate sub-frames across different domains

1608 Miscellaneous: Allow META REFRESH * ^

1609 Miscellaneous: Display mixed content *

160A Miscellaneous: Include local directory path when uploading files to a server ^

1800 Miscellaneous: Installation of desktop items

1802 Miscellaneous: Drag and drop or copy and paste files

1803 Downloads: File Download ^

1804 Miscellaneous: Launching programs and files in an IFRAME

1805 Launching programs and files in webview #

1806 Miscellaneous: Launching applications and unsafe files

1807 Reserved ** #

1808 Reserved ** #

1809 Miscellaneous: Use Pop-up Blocker ** ^

180A Reserved #

180B Reserved #

180C Reserved #

180D Reserved #

1A00 User Authentication: Logon

1A02 Allow persistent cookies that are stored on your computer #

1A03 Allow per-session cookies (not stored) #

1A04 Miscellaneous: Don't prompt for client certificate selection when no

certificates or only one certificate exists * ^

1A05 Allow 3rd party persistent cookies *

1A06 Allow 3rd party session cookies *

1A10 Privacy Settings *

1C00 Java permissions #

1E05 Miscellaneous: Software channel permissions

1F00 Reserved ** #

2000 ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Binary and script behaviors

2001 .NET Framework-reliant components: Run components signed with Authenticode

2004 .NET Framework-reliant components: Run components not signed with Authenticode

2100 Miscellaneous: Open files based on content, not file extension ** ^

2101 Miscellaneous: Web sites in less privileged web content zone can navigate into this zone **

2102 Miscellaneous: Allow script initiated windows without size or position constraints ** ^

2103 Scripting: Allow status bar updates via script ^

2104 Miscellaneous: Allow websites to open windows without address or status bars ^

2105 Scripting: Allow websites to prompt for information using scripted windows ^

2200 Downloads: Automatic prompting for file downloads ** ^

2201 ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls ** ^

2300 Miscellaneous: Allow web pages to use restricted protocols for active content **

2301 Miscellaneous: Use Phishing Filter ^

2400 .NET Framework: XAML browser applications

2401 .NET Framework: XPS documents

2402 .NET Framework: Loose XAML

2500 Turn on Protected Mode [Vista only setting] #

2600 Enable .NET Framework setup ^

{AEBA21FA-782A-4A90-978D-B72164C80120} First Party Cookie *

{A8A88C49-5EB2-4990-A1A2-0876022C854F} Third Party Cookie *

* indicates an Internet Explorer 6 or later setting

** indicates a Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later setting

# indicates a setting that is not displayed in the user interface in Internet Explorer 7

^ indicates a setting that only has two options, enabled or disabled

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